Footwork on Achille Marozzo's Segno

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Applying the Segno to another exercise

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Guard positions and their names

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Guard progression of Achille Marozzo

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System of Guards

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Sequence 2 Beat

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Sequence 1 Feint

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Parrying with a Falso

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Parrying an Imbroccata

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Parrying a Stoccata

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Parrying a Riverso

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Parrying a Ridoppio

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Parrying a Mandritto

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Learn two cuts and 18 guards with a single drill

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Invitation after an attack and after a parry

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Introduction to Guards Positions

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Guardie strette narrow guards

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Guardie Larghe wide guards

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Guardie Alte high guards

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Guard positions

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Prese Holds, disarms and takedowns

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Giovanni dall'Agocchie's defending from all guards together

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Slipping the leg to avoid a cut

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