Beginner's course starting
Next month we will run our club’s second beginner’s course on Bolognese swordsmanship. We hope to direct our group to the direction of making formal beginner’s courses the typical way of starting the training. Until now new students can have started any time.
The previous beginner’s course was ambitious in the way that I wanted to provide a crash-course that quickly gave people enough tools that they could already, after the course, participate free fencing and other high-intensity activities. While I think it was fairly successful, this time we are going to be more technically oriented. The drills will be shorter and easier to remember and really get good at already during the course, and more emphasis will be placed on movement and well formed positions. The way attacks are launched will also be looked at in more detail.
Since the participants don’t have masks to begin with and right now we can not provide them, some restrictions are placed on the drills we can use. This emphasises the need for more technically oriented training. I hope this approach will produce good results!