Bolognese longsword against Fiore's longsword

A video from our recent free fencing session. I have been working with Marozzo’s two-handed sword lately, and decided to have a go at trying the system in free fencing. Matias is trying to make my life difficult using Fiore’s style. I am fencing in black plastron, Matias is wearing the brown one.

There are a few interesting points in this video, such as a lot of gioco stretto attacks at :30, after which Matias decides to withdraw into largo and he gets hit for that, and at 1:19 I attack using the beginning of primo assalto.

Also check out the School of European Swordsmanship demo done earlier this month in Ropecon (an international role-playing gathering). I did not take part in the demo, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be worth watching.

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