Tech preview update #2

Since the previous post, we've made some progress with the next version of the platform, which can be previewed at

Our focus has been on building the realtime commenting and notification interactions, which serve as a technological core for many of the features we have planned.


The comments allow discussions in a single-level thread, and you will get notified when your comments receive replies. We might add notifications for when a discussion you have participated in gets new messages – but we try to keep the system simple to begin with so that we can move on without spending too much time on every detail in the beginning.

The commenting is automatically moderated by AI, which will probably require some more refining if it behaves too strictly. We've tried to tune it so that discussions relevant to the post, comment thread or historical fencing in general will be permitted.


We will be cross-posting the technical updates on the new site as well so that we can build the necessary features for content creation, which of course is the main goal!

While the technical preview is still in early stages, if you want to you can create an account at This is completely free and will help us test the site.

Please keep in mind that the accounts created at site are currently separate from accounts, exist only for testing purposes and they may be removed at any time for whatever reason, without any prior notice.

Once the site is more ready the existing accounts will be migrated over – but it will take some time before we get that far.

Thank you again for the continued support!

If you have any questions regarding what we're building, or anything else, feel free to send an email to