Website news will go through some major updates during the following weeks.

The blog will remain online (this time the old posts will be accessible after the update) and be a key part of the website, but beyond this I want the website to give a better idea of what I have made of the Bolognese style of swordplay and what I want to see it become in the future.

This content is more oriented towards new visitors and will be more static, but new updates will be introduced in the for of articles and video essays (in the future).

Besides just talking about Bolognese swordsmanship the website will give info on workshops and events I’ll be running or demonstrating in, so that you can more easily learn of the style in a practical way.

There will be more content on general training and exercise as well.

I hope these changes will help grow the reader base of this website and increase the popularity of the Bolognese tradition — since that is my goal in the HEMA community at the moment.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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